17 April 2024
Inverdale: Inter Service Championship should be cherished
Written by Chris Wearmouth

At the start of the week of the opening round of the 2024 edition, one of the most familiar faces in sports broadcasting, John Inverdale, says that the Inter Service Championship is an integral part of the rugby year and should be cherished.
Inverdale, the son of former Royal Navy Rugby Union secretary and Life Member, Surgeon Captain (Dentist) John B Inverdale RN, recently presented the 2024 Inverdale Challenge trophy to the Royal Marines captain Rickus Brink. Last year, his sister, Jendy Weekes presented the trophy to Sgt Ben Felgate RM.
The Inverdale Challenge provides a steppingstone for players from Ships and units through the Academy to the Navy’s representative teams, who all begin their Inter Service Championship campaign against the Royal Air Force in Devon this weekend.
The Royal Navy Mariners take on the RAF Vultures at Devonport Services RFC on Friday evening, with the Senior Women facing their RAF counterparts and the Senior Men beginning their quest to retain the overall title at Brickfields Stadium, Plymouth, on Saturday afternoon.
“The Inter Service Championship remains an integral part of the rugby calendar because it always has been and it is every sports’ duty to cherish its history and heritage,” Inverdale says.
“The first Navy-Army game I saw was more than 60 years ago and over that period there have been great games, good games, and terrible games, all of which are just part of the memories created.
“Ultimately, as with all aspects of the sport, it’s about the people met and the friendships made, that last a lifetime.”
Friday night’s game kicks off at 1800hrs, and entry is free for all.
Tickets for Saturday’s double header (Men KO 1300hrs, Women KO 1600hrs) remain available at www.plymouthalbion.com/tickets. Entry is £10 for adults, £8 for serving personnel and veterans, and free for Under-16s.
Tickets also remain available for:
Army v Navy at Twickenham Stadium on Saturday, May 4, from www.eticketing.co.uk/rfu
To watch as a neutral: RAF v Army at Kingsholm Stadium, Gloucester, on Saturday, May 11, from www.eticketing.co.uk/gloucesterrugby
Images by Cinnabar Studios and Callum Sanders.